
Monday, March 18, 2019

Study Habits of Highly Effective Students

Hey guys. So I hope you guys have had a really great 2018 I’m so full of a cold somehow I’m finishing 2018 feeling no great, but I wanted to sit down and talk to you guys about some of the study habits or the study goals that I have set for myself for 2019 to this time of year when everyone starts to, you know, reflect on that 2018 set goals, set resolutions, stuff like that for the new year.

So I have set myself some habits and goals for studying specifically, it’s what I really want to achieve. And it’s what I’ve noticed that I could do better or things that I sometimes do, I don’t do all the time and I want to make them a habit because I feel that when I do do them I work more productively or I feel better about the work they’ve done. So I’m sharing these because I thought that you might want to hear that.

I put it on my Instagram and you guys were interested. And obviously if you think that they might be of use to you guys, then you can obviously employ them and try and make them a habit for you as well. I have written them down, I’ve got five and I’ve written them on a not so sticky, sticky note because these things like don’t stick anywhere. Okay, so the first one is to use timers. I’ve noticed that when I say set a timer for like half an hour, 40 minutes or an hour or something, I find that I work more productively in that time. Because I have a bit of a time pressure I can just work without timers and that’s what I do most of the time. However, I do notice quite big difference when I put a timer on because it means that in the hour or half an hour, I have to learn some notes that I’ve set myself to learn and without a timer. I’m like there’s no stop on this so I can just you know, take my time.

Time and I will set the duration as I see kind of fit. So if I’m trying to learn like a few sides of writing or some notes or something like actually learn it and get it my brain, then I’ll set myself a good amount of time like 40 minutes to an hour, especially if I if I haven’t read those notes quite recently, and they’re going to be quite new.

And then when I’m trying to draw something, I’ll shorten the time and see how long it takes me to get through something on to just see how much I can say, regurgitate if I’m doing it without my notes, and like half an hour, 15 minutes, something like that. So it’s a way to maximize productivity and to just really get your brain and gear it’s kind of more like an exam situation and what you’ll have at the end of the year because yes, everything is time pressured, it just kind of gets you used to that and I can just set one on my watch. I used to use my phone which is just as good or you can just use the clock on your laptop, anything at all just that one and when that timer goes off you either

Move on something else. You take some breaks, get something to eat, get something to drink. And yeah, I just think it’s a really great way to stay on schedule as well. And to just be more productive. I like it. I really do like time. Oh, so you. Second one is to take more brief breaks. And it’s not to do studying. I know. But it can really help you to reset your mind to like calm your mind, and then prepare you for the next bit of work that you’re going to do. So I’m someone who can very easily just get sucked into working, working nonstop and not giving myself any breaks. I’m most rushing to get things done. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be productive and get everything that I’ve wanted to do that day complete.

I do often try and fill my day so it’s crammed full and I don’t give myself any space or time to just breathe. As you guys know, if you watch and keep up to date on my channel, I have used some meditation

apps recently and on my watch as well, which is actually turning out to be really useful in many ways. It pings at me all the time throughout the day telling me to take a one minute brief break. And so far since I’ve had the watch, it’s really bad. I’ve done it once. However, I do notice that when I do take a brief break, it allows me to just calm you know, just like settle down, let my brain and illusion neurons are firing rapidly, just like calm down for a bet. And even if it’s just a minute, I do notice a difference because I’m not so uptight about things.

When people do come in and I’m studying I often will just be like in the zone and I can’t be distracted. However, if I actually take a one minute out one minute, 60 seconds. It’s nothing it’s not going to change anything, but it’s just gonna make a huge difference. And yeah, I need to really appreciate that. If I do meditate or I breathe for a set time, just think

Nothing I’m trying to my mind and make such a huge difference. So I need to do it more often. Number three, yeah, this one, okay, it’s gonna be hot. This one really hard it is to reduce the time spent on the screen. And the reason why I say it’s hot is because everything or the majority of things that I do on a screen and I’m ready don’t like that. So I love working and I love the fact I put myself on my end and the stuff I do online, but everything is on a screen. I’m walking on a screen.

If I’m reading something on the screen, editing a video on a screen posting Instagram picture up on a screen. Everything is just digitalized. And I know that my eyesight has really deteriorated since I’ve been at university and that’s because I’ve just been reading so much stuff I’ve been looking at things that are very close up I slightly short sighted so she was like fine things and the distance and far away especially things on the screen there looking

Blood well okay

yeah I don’t wear them very often because I only really need them in like lectures or if I go to the cinema sometimes I wear them even though the screen is huge it’s because it’s a pixelated and it looks at blood to me and if I’m going to see a show something I read last I’m sorry the like blowing and I can’t see everything but yeah, these are like losses.

So I’m really paranoid about my eyesight by don’t actually try and do anything to help it but then I do if I can, because as I said, everything is on a screen. However, I’m kind of thinking like I need to that for just make sure that I alternate between doing something on a screen and doing something that’s not on a screen as much as possible. So sometimes I will find myself hours or even the whole day just on a screen doing something and last time, especially when I was writing my dissertation and just reading papers online, so I’m not going to print them off because then that’s a waste of ink and paper.

I’ve read everything my destination on a string so much reading last time for my dissertation especially and everything was online I felt that sometimes I would just get up when I’m saying going to dance and going out and stopping my eyes would just be so

I don’t know blood could fall forward couldn’t really focus yes it will give you a headache if you’re on a screen for such a long time and I did get some headaches sometimes especially last time yes I like to stay hydrated but sometimes hydration wasn’t a problem

and that’s when I knew I’ve just been on the screen for too long and I also noticed as well my is extremely hot and read the not necessarily hop I just feel that all the blood inside my body has just been sucked to my ears and they go bright red and then I can feel them burning and like posting like a hobby is I in my is it’s so bad and I wasn’t a strange castle for like a list of my arrows. rad. There’s a line here and the rest of me is just like this beautiful pale color.

And yeah, those are my symptoms. And when I get headaches and I my eyes forward and my ears garage and everything’s posting, I know that I’ve been on the screen for too long. And I experienced that too many times last time, especially reducing time spent on the screen is going to be hard. bought my solution or my goal next year especially, is to just, you know, alternate between doing something on a screen and doing something on the screen. Sorry, I’m reading screams I love them or hate them at the same time. Okay, number four is to Yeah, okay. I’ve written Don’t be scared to dive in.

doesn’t make any sense to you, but it does in my head and I’m going to explain it. Okay. So my problem sometimes is that before I say like I’m writing an essay without any notes, or I practice something as if it were an exam like without any notes or without any guidance and help under a certain time limit. I find I put those things on

off until I feel 100% confident in the stuff that I’ve been learning. I’m really bad at that. I put things off until I feel that I am 100% confident and everything that I know, I know that I have enough to write about in an essay or I can answer questions about that. Or I feel as if I just know enough detail before I then test myself will write an essay and I need to take more of a risk sometimes to just you know, like, dive in, jump in do it straight away, even if I don’t know anything fully because that will then highlight to me what I need to go back over and then what I need to work on. So I’m just very good at putting it off and being like, No, I’m not ready yet. When I have experienced especially a university in an exam What does an essay title which I have to write but I don’t know very much about the topic or it’s very big

and pleasure especially those one question which I think

Didn’t revise for at all and I had to write an essay on it. So it’s gonna mimic those situations if I practice it and that will make it so much easier to deal with. If you’re in an exam and you’re faced with that situation you know go for it you know i don’t know everything I’m but like

on the topic, just do it and see what happened. So the last one is too I’ve just realized all my folders like stacked up there and some random stuff just junk in the corner of my room. Yeah, it’s it’s quite specific one this is to plan essays or your essays because that is everything that get examined on this year. It’s essays as you plan them every single bloody time Holly, I am so good applying my day. Tell me to write to do list I will jump on it very happily. Tell me to plan an essay. I’m like, oh, why don’t just dive straight in and get writing you know, more time to write down more stuff when actually

When I plan that goes so much better. Most of the time I’m planning is just in general a very good thing. However, when I’m writing essays, especially in exams, well like mocks I just forget about the plan and just dive straight in and that is bad. You know God holy No, don’t do that holy and I don’t advise it and I am very good at just not planning essays don’t know why.

Why do you know why? It’s because I’m like, I need more time. I need as much time as possible to write as much done as I can. Sometimes that’s that’s going fine. We’ve come to a conclusion and it’s fine without a plan. However, I have had situations where I’ve just, you know, blood on a play a play on the page written down whatever kind of came to mind next. And that for the structure was not great. You know, I have had that and that was last year in an exam. I remember quite vividly that happening. And I remember just writing and I remember finishing

Like what just happened? Like, I was just sick on a page, you know,

that really didn’t make sense that there was nothing I could do because I had to move on to the next essay. Otherwise I’d run out of time. And that was a bad move. You know, you only learn these things when you make the mistake that was an exam. And I could have told you that I did worse than that exam before I my marks came out, and that was 100% accurate. That was my last exam because I knew just didn’t write the plan that went wrong. Um, so yeah, every time holy from now on plan, and you guys plan essays. If you’re writing essays, or even if you’re writing an extended answer something like that planet, please. I don’t do it enough. I need to do it every single time from now on. plan, plan, plan, plan.

plan every time. Okay, you got that now? Yes, I think it’s drilled. That’s five. That’s five of my study habits goals for 2019.

Was it gonna say oh yes me up coming study videos I’m going to be doing I have planned. You see, I plan these things last is I have thoughts about making them kind of famed or where it’s appropriate. I’m going to theme them and I’m going to be answering a question in one study video. For example, I am definitely going to be doing ones where I talk about whether I listen to music or not, when I’m studying one about how I study when I’m out. If you have any specific questions related to studying, please now’s your chance to leave them in the comments down below. And then if you like something someone has suggested that like that comment on the top ones who get priority, see, I’m going to be answering them and I study video so you get me studying and you will also get me answering a question related to studying that some of you guys might all be thinking because we don’t know if we’re all thinking about these things unless somebody writes it down and you guys like that common and we all find out that it’s a big question in the story.

The world also if you take any pictures of yourself studying on notes you know there’s playing bass notes that we all love definitely tag me and hashtag study with Holly be shows data and I can repost some of them the new yeah How did 2018 go too fast I don’t even know 2018 has been it’s not gone it’s 29

Happy New Year to you guys I’m going to say um yeah I will see you in 2019 a house Gary let’s see what happens Be sure to like this video and yeah for new around here you want to join my YouTube little family down please hit the subscribe Matter what type of circumstances that you have been raised in, or have experienced, you always have the ability to find a way out and create success for yourself. And I had to do that in my own life and see all the college students go towards the campus. And I thought to myself, where are they going, what are they doing, why they look different than the rest of people there in the group and and that always kept in the back of my head.

And our mother said, Whatever you do, in order to change your circumstance, you’re gonna have to get an education and so I kept them in the back of my head. I no matter what, I had to educate myself, I had to get a degree at the people that I saw going to the school down the street, that’s something I could do.

And I had that vision I would go to this school that was like in a predominantly well off area, and everyone had books and and paper and really nice shoes. I remember looking at this thinking, Oh, I don’t have any of that and every time I would come back into My neighborhood I would see the graffiti and I’d see the the trash and I thought to myself, what makes a difference? Why are there people here in this situation versus here in this situation, and every single day I’ll come back and it came down to this.

It was the thinking how we think how we look at situations whether or not we see ourselves doing well and being successful or versus if we see ourselves as a not successful person in an environment are thinking defines our life and when we can take hold of our thought and see it for what it is and change it and transform it and change it to convert it into an energy that Alicia’s a brain power that allows us to change a situation that my friend is how we change our lives. And that’s how we change everyone else.

See: Examples of Ambition in Real life as a Student

What happened was I was failing Algebra I fell down for I failed geometry. I failed calculus and chemistry. And there was this calculus teacher that said, All right, I’m going to offer calculus tutoring for anyone who’s willing to come to the campus during the winter break. And I thought everyone was going to show up. There was only myself and I thought to myself, this is such a blessing. And I sat there and I picked his brain.

I’m like, how do we look? What does an integral mean? What does the the tangent mean? What does the instantaneous rate mean? And these are all words for derivative and calculus, and I got just a sit down with them. And that was the first time ever that I realized I was smart. And when I sat with them, it was amazing because I realized what was stopping me was my own fear. It wasn’t it wasn’t anything with my educational aspect.

It was me thinking I could do well in mathematics. And when I learned to remove that fear and think I’m going to do this, no matter what’s going to happen, I may fail. It may not fail it. I’m going to do well at this. And I’m going to just to see where it goes, I’m going to put my all into it and find out and I put my own to fail. But it is something inside of me shifted. I realized failing wasn’t that bad. If I can, if I can, like spend more with more time that I can actually do really well of this. And that was the shift in thinking I’m like, All right, I’m just going to spend some more time and I’m going to actually get this when I overcome my own fear. It was when I was working with someone else and recognizing that the person next to me was the exact mirror of myself. And if I could help that person right next to me. I was hoping myself at the same time and it became this teamwork.

Every single person on my campus need it mathematics. And so I got chance to know everybody on campus McCain one the most popular people because everyone needed mathematics and that confidence that was built from taking something that I failed that before and shifting my thinking about and bracing it to actually create a new reality for myself.

That’s what empower me and that’s to graduate top of my class, which later on open up the door through a series of events, I learned the power that we have in our brain when I overcame so many challenges. When I was launching rockets, of being a woman in in being a one a person of color in a predominantly area that was different than myself.

I had to I had to think differently. I had to think All right, I’m gonna stand out everything that I do is going to have to be twice as good. That’s just the nature of it.

I had to change the way in which I was thinking in order to do that, how am I going to be such a contributing force to this environment that whenever I leave, I’ve made a difference. And when I realized that, and then when I coupled that with the aspect of mathematics, where the same type of math that we use to launch to Mars, the same type of math that we use to literally reshape our own brain, I realized the power of our thoughts when we are aware of where we are, what we’re doing, and more importantly, the decision that we have in front of us the choice in our thought in a situation whatever decision that we make in that full awareness.

That decision itself is a fractal moment in chaos that literally changes the brain at that very moment to restructure it inside of your head so you can unleash your power.

When you look at how are my thoughts going to align with where I want to go and you decide that moment in time where you decide this is a thought that’s going to get me to being a rocket scientists, this is a thought that’s going to get me to be a doctor.

This is not to get me to be a host of my own show I’m whatever it takes I’m going to have all the type of thoughts that’s going to get me closer to where I want to go in the future. When we realize that we have a choice and how we think about things where we have a choice, are we going to be scared about something? Are we going to go forward no matter what’s going to happen.

That is when we unleash this power to you when you are expected to succeed by your mentors or parents or teachers when there is an experimentation on your life to do well.

At an early age you adopted, you address it, you adhere to it, you create it. But if you are never given that opportunity to know what you are capable of doing, if you are never given that, that word, that encouragement This is to know what you can be good at mathematics.

Even though you failed algebra and geometry and calculus, the chemistry which I did, you can actually do well mathematics at if if there’s not someone showing you your worth, when you can’t see it, you will forever be looking in the mirror thinking that you’re not worth what you are when you see exactly what you don’t want.

If you can take the exact opposite of that. That’s how you find out what you do. For example, when we launched rockets, we knew Okay, we didn’t want there to be an explosion out the jacket which was like the side of the rocket, but we wanted the explosion to go down. So we thought, Okay, what is the worst case scenario?

The worst case scenario is okay there will be a kind of tired flames going out where we don’t want to go something like how can we prevent that? How can we focus on where we do want it to go where’s the ideal part for it to go and the ideal part is for the the all the flames to go down the tubes and go through and create a clue.

So what we had to do in that aspect is literally envision exactly what we didn’t want and figure out the chain of events that could possibly get us there to what we don’t want and then go backwards.

The beauty about working in rocket science is that I had the ability to observe genius brands and realize that any of us can gain a genius brain no matter what age we’re at it doesn’t matter forget it what anyone’s ever told you you can gain a smart brain at any age every decision that you make reshapes your brain More powerful the you are in making decision after decision after decision that will power for your brain. Because that makes you really careful about what decisions you make. Like are you super aware when you’re making decisions I’ve learned to become aware to see, all right, this is where I want to go, how is this decision going to help me get there, it’s always keeping that in the back of their head, like, this is where I’m going to go. And I’d made the decision very early in life that no matter where I was, I was going to change it. I was going to change it. So I would leave my mark to be able to help in a very powerful way. So people after I leave would be able to make their own mark and in building in a way in which was going to be very powerful for their life.

If you’re a person in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, that Lord stem going to do it. There’s such a overwhelming need for you. You have the ability to see the big picture.

You have the ability not only to do the mathematics, but you have the ability to see a big picture and user communication skills in order for people to see how important concepts are. So that is the gift that you bring if you have the opportunity to go into that. Do it.

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